How to Really Get Through This Pandemic Together

These days of the pandemic and all the public health orders that go with it are wearing down a lot of people. In a lot of different ways.

It may be only four months so far, but it can easily feel a lot longer. And the weariness of it all comes along with the worry about just how long this thing is going to last.

While some of those laid off are back at work, many are still not.While some businesses have reopened, some may never open again.

And for families, on a personal level, the separation, isolation and the frustration have made things difficult.

A new report about the impact of all this on grandparents, parents and kids says not being able to be together for these months has been especially emotionally difficult.

As this report at puts it…

"Grandparents and grandchildren have both sustained losses during this pandemic by the loss of personal contact with friends, family and loved ones," Richard S. Victor, an attorney, grandfather, and founder of the Grandparents Rights Organization . "This means that time, otherwise available to have shared memories and experiences now will be lost or just different."

We all hope and pray that a vaccine is coming a lot sooner than later and that this pandemic will fizzle out in time, but until then, we have to find ways to stay connected with loved ones. Hearing voices and zooming in on faces may not be what we want, but it is a way to get through this together.

(Photo credit c.e. albert)

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