A Possible Answer to All the Stress in 2020

We’re almost half way through the year 2020, and recent study confirms what you probably already know.

This year is a year filled with things that are stressing us out.

But the results of a new piece of research from the American Psychological Association reveals just how widespread the stress is.

More than 5,000 adult U.S. residents were recently surveyed on the state of America right now. 83% say that worrying about the future of the United States is a big source of personal stress. And 72% believe this is the lowest point in the country’s history that they’ve ever been alive to see.

One of the researchers says it’s not surprising, what with three national crises — the coronavirus pandemic, the economic disaster and the recent protests and violence over racism.

The researchers say that as a result, the collective mental health of the American public has endured one devastating blow after another, the long-term effects of which many people will struggle with for years to come.

And the findings don’t indicate a lot of faith in government to help us reduce all the stress.

More than 65 percent in the study said the government’s ongoing response to the pandemic continues to stress them out on a daily basis. Among that group, 84% are mostly worried about the federal government’s response. More than seven in 10 are concerned about their state leaders.And another 64% are not happy about their local government.

Maybe the lesson of 2020 will be to put our faith less in government and more on a greater faith.

READ MORE about the study.

(Photo credit Getty Images)

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