Could Some Restrictions on San Diego Beaches Soon Be Lifted?

San Diego is known for a lot of great things, but none more than for its beaches.

Just look at any ad or travel website about San Diego, and our beaches from Coronado to Oceanside are up there at the top of the list. And just ask those 'Zonies' who come from east to invade San Diego every summer to escape the beachless hot desert of Arizona.

And just ask all those local surfers whose day doesn’t begin without catching some morning waves.

So telling local residents and tourists to not crowd the beaches on Memorial Day, the unofficial first day of the summer season, even with coronavirus restrictions in place, is not something that is likely to be paid a lot of attention to.

And yet, San Diego lifeguards and police say that for the most part, there were no major problems and that most people who went to the beaches appeared to be following the physical distancing guidelines.

County officials had said this past holiday weekend would be a test of whether some of the restrictions at local beaches could be eased this week and based on the behavior at the beaches this weekend, that could happen.

After 10 weeks now of having to limit our trips anywhere, pretty much everyone in San Diego is anxious to get out and sit on the beach, sit down in a restaurant, shop inside a store and worship at their church.

But the vast majority of people in San Diego have shown a pretty incredible display of also being willing to follow the health safety guidelines.

And that’s something that makes San Diego strong, and proud, at a time like this.

READ MORE about re-openings.

(Photo credit reporting partner 10News)

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