What To Do If You're Not Sleeping Well During Pandemic

Having trouble sleeping or having stranger dreams than usual over the last several weeks?

Experts say it’s not surprising. But all part of living through the coronavirus pandemic of 2020.

According to a new study, 77-percent of Americans, from 18 on up, say their sleep has been affected.When asked why they’re not sleeping well, anxiety was the top answer with almost half saying that followed by being worried about the safety of their loved ones, followed by loneliness.

At the same time, of course, there are studies that show that getting enough sleep and getting enough exercise are ways to stay healthier and better able to fight off viruses of any kind.

And then there are studies out that say staying mentally healthy means staying connected to loved ones and friends even if you can’t be with them and have to settle for those now very common virtual hugs.

These are clearly difficult times, and we’re all being affected in one way or another in some way. And it can be hard. And you can get down. Easily.

And that’s why one of the things we can all do to help each other is do something that is important and has proven to be successful in making others feel better and you feel better.

It’s called encouragement. From Biblical scholars to professional psychologists, the age old advice is true; encouraging one another and building each other up is just what we need right now.

(Photo credit Getty Images)

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