Something Healthy to be Thankful For on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a day about being thankful. And to remember the people and events in our lives for which we have been thankful in the past and in the present.

As the message says on a new wall placard my wife recently hung in our home, there is always something to be grateful for.

Thanksgiving is when we are reminded of that.But that doesn’t mean we should wait for Thanksgiving before we should say thanks.

In fact, it is not only a good thing to say thanks more often, it is also good for our mental and physical health.

Studies have shown that being grateful can help you fall asleep faster.And it can even help strengthen your body’s immune system and lower your blood pressure.

And there apparently is evidence that being thankful and keeping a record of what you are thankful for can help you even more.

A study in the Journal of Applied Psychology, says that keeping a journal of things you are grateful for helped those in the study worry less and sleep longer and better. A report by the U-C Davis Medical Center says people who are grateful have 10 percent lower systolic blood pressure, 23 percent lower levels of stress hormones and 25 percent lower dietary fat intake.

Of course, it’s easy to forget to say thank you, but now knowing that being thankful can make you healthier, taking an inventory of what you’re thankful for is something to put on your menu for Thanksgiving.

(Photo credit Getty Images)

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