I have been an avid watcher of Game of Thrones, since the beginning. It has been a fantastic show...sometimes, many times, brilliant. And then there is this season. The final season. And I am concerned.

It feels rushed. Tormund and Ghost just ...ghost-off into the wilderness?


Bran spaces out while the Night King decimates the Dothraki?


Where the heck are the Children of the Forest? Where is Jaqen H'ghar?

Arya spends the whole penultimate episode running from fire?

Danaerys loses it and burns down the house...after being a nice girl the ENTIRE series?

And Jaime leaves Brienne to go running back to that witch of a sister/lover?

Cersei doesn't have the decency to die in a well-deserved fire?

Are you serious?

There is one episode left, and at this point, the producers better pull a rabbit out of their collective hat. Because we all have questions, and I am not sure they can be answered in one episode, no matter how epic.

The good news is...GoT has been wildly entertaining and delicious, so I am not dying here. But, how disappointing should the producers completely lose the thread, this close to the end-game.

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