How to Reduce Stress in America

A new study on stress in America is raising questions about what to do to lessen our stress.

The American Psychological Association’s 2018 survey of Stress in America found that the most stressed group is Generation Z, young adults between 18 and 25 years old.

The survey found that the least-stressed groups are Baby Boomers and older adults whose stress may be less, say researchers, because they are more financially secure.

No matter what the age, the survey also found that six out of 10 of all adults say the political climate is a significant source of stress.

The adults who were surveyed say they receive stress-reducing support from friends and family.  But half of them say they need more support than they’re getting.

Writing in the Union Tribune, two members of the San Diego Psychological Association point to research that shows that in a family where parents are mean to each other…. children can experience symptoms of stress that can have long-term consequences.

And they suggest that the anger, blame, and name-calling by our political leaders create a stressful atmosphere that can also incite people that can lead to a cycle of conflict and possibly violence.

They recommend strengthening traditional sources of community support and providing counseling to the most vulnerable.  As they put it, “for all our sakes and especially for our young adults, we have to find a way to tone down the volume.” 

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