Why Washington is Watching California's Primary Election

The eyes of lots of Democrats and Republicans will be on California tonight when the results of today’s primary election come in.

In the 2016 presidential election year, there was no drama because California has been a for sure blue state for Democrats for years and everyone knew Hillary Clinton would win the state and she did of course.

Now two years later, there is a lot more attention on California this election year because California has a chance to determine if Democrats are going to be able to take over the U.S House from Republicans in the fall.

The Democratic Party has targeted 10 Republican held congressional districts in California including the Darrell Issa’s district in San Diego County where he is retiring after this year and Democrats hope to pick up his seat.

And in fact, our state has as many congressional districts that could turn from Republican to Democrat as the seven other states holding primaries today combined.

And now that California elections require the top two vote getters in the primary to face off in November regardless of party affiliation, some strategies have changed and it’s become more unpredictable as to whose names will be on the deciding ballot in November.

So when those returns come in tonight, Washington will be watching California.

(Photo credit Getty Images)

California Election Day Voters  Getty Images

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