Why Religion and Politics Do Mix


There is a lot of talk about religion lately. Some of it is because of President Trump’s recent visits to the center of the Muslim world in Saudi Arabia and then the center of the Jewish world in Jerusalem and then to the Vatican for a meeting with the Pope.

And some of it has become part of the debate over the ideology of terrorists.

The president chose not to use the term radical Islam during those recent visits but that hasn't stopped the debate over its use. Trump himself used it a lot during the presidential campaign.

But the debate over Islam is not going away and it goes on inside and outside the religion itself.

What does Islam teach and is it a religion of peace and are its leaders doing enough to stop the evil acts being carried out by the terrorists.

And then there is the hotbed of religious strife involving Israel and the holy site in Jerusalem that is important to all three of the religions. The debate there involves the right to land from God and what the peace of Jerusalem means and how it can be achieved.

And then there is the debate among Christians as to which side they are on. And the controversy at times over what Pope Francis has said about how Christians should carry out their faith and what the church should teach about some social issues.

The old adage about now talking politics or religion can get you into arguments is certainly true.

But with religion having now become part of the debates over politics and politics having become part of the debates over religion, it's not likely religion will disappear as a topic in the news and a matter of public discussion.

And that's probably a good thing. Because what we believe is key to how we act.  No matter who we are or where we live.

(Photo Getty Images)

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